The original run of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV show presented a group of very distinctive teenage heroes. Whilst the series went on to spawn a wide range of spinoffs these first five heroes remain the most memorable. So which of these Power Rangers are you most similar to? Read their character profiles to find out more.
The red ranger was a natural-born leader. He was never afraid to act when under extreme pressure. Jason was the glue that held the entire team of rangers together. Despite being the strongest, he knew the gang worked best when they collaborated.
The yellow ranger was a fierce no-nonsense woman. Trini was an intellectual who would probably spend her time reading Wikipedia articles if the site existed in the 90s. She would often translate Billy’s complicated ideas to the rest of the team. She regularly tried to take down foes with the least amount of moves. This was because of her logical mindset.
The black ranger was both athletic and confident. He rivalled Jason in terms of strength but never had a thirst for the leadership role. Instead, he was much happier to hang back and party when he had the chance.
The pink ranger was a true team player who even gave up her powers for the greater good. She was dedicated, spending much of her free time training for the next battle. A charitable soul, Kimberly also enjoyed looking after the less fortunate.
The blue ranger was considered the brains behind the operation, even more so than Zordon himself. Billy used his intelligence to create practical gadgets for his fellow rangers. Throughout the series, Billy is forced to confront his childhood fears. This teaches him the true meaning of bravery.